Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Museum of Computer Art- Week 1

I found a fabulous artists by the name of Antonio. Antonio is italian and started creating his digital work in 1996 on geocities. Now, he has a website which he calls "his eye to the world". I encourage all of you to visit http://www.village9991.it/. Antonio's art consists of photomosaic, lettering, and digital collage. The particular piece that I selected to share uses tiles from the fonts available in his PC. He uses those tiles and layers them to create the iconic image that I've uploaded for your pleasure. I'm not usre what software was used, but with this simple yet complex technique, Photoshop or even Word could be used. I hope you enjoy!


  1. Nice find Genese, thanks.... He could be hand assembling this in Photoshop... or there could be a piece of software that reads a photo then translates those values using typography... hmmm secrets, secrets....

  2. I want to learn the secrets... :)

  3. Hi Genese, that is a cool picture. I wonder if the keyboard symbols fell randomly over the portrait, or if they were all placed with some purpose.

  4. I love all of the images within the image...
